It has a file size of 592.5 MB and can be burned to a CD or a USB drive. It also includes a mini version of Windows XP with Service Pack 3. : This is a bootable CD that contains various tools for system repair, backup, recovery, and diagnostics. It has a file size of 138.50 MB and can be burned to a CD or a USB drive. It was created by Microsoft and published on the Internet Archive.
: This is a live boot CD that contains a mini version of Windows XP with basic features. Here are some of the websites where you can download a mini Windows XP iso file: Therefore, you should always scan the downloaded file with an antivirus program before using it. Some of them may contain malware, viruses, or outdated versions of Windows XP. There are several sources where you can download a mini Windows XP iso file, but not all of them are reliable or safe. How to Download a Mini Windows XP Iso File